Network Technology Salary

Average Salary - $68,761 for Network Technology Associate

network technology salary

The 2015 yearly mean compensation of an IT professional who has been granted the CIW Network Technology Associate certification is $68,761. This compensation was determined dependent on the 14,000+ IT experts who reacted to the 2016 IT Skills and Salary study that was directed by Global Knowledge in September of 2015.

CIW Network Technology Associate

The Network Technology Associate course sets you up for work availability in many business and technology-related careers. Understanding the essentials of networking, Internet protocols and network security is significant for all experts who utilize the Internet. This certification demonstrates your dominance of the basics of networking and sets you up for additional study in the niche based on your personal preference.


The CIW Network Technology Associate course trains applicants to take the CIW Network Technology Associate test, which, whenever passed, acquires the individual the CIW Network Technology Associate certification.

Network technician: Salary

The average Network Technician pay in Canada is $60,450 per year or $31 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $36,075 per year while most experienced employees make up to $77,171 per year.


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