Desktop Support Engineer Salary

Average Desktop Engineer salary in the UK

The Average Desktop Engineer salary in the UK is - £32,974

Low - £30,714

High - £35,336

Desktop Support Engineer Salary

According to Payscale, the average Desktop Engineer salary is $54,713 per year in the United States. For the most part, the desktop engineer compensation ascends with the level of field experience. With an ever-developing demand for IT and Telecom field, one can choose either fulltime or freelance work. They can get hired by the public authority and private companies.

Desktop engineers need a solid background in information technology(IT) with a degree in computer science; as a rule, the average desktop engineer pay as per payscale is $23.38 per hour, these desktop support engineers increase essential skills through hands on experience.

The pay rates for IT support work contrast fundamentally relying upon the level of the profession, past experience and size of the business.

The Factor

When searching for Desktop Support Engineer occupations, you can discover them at, a site where you can exhibit your skills. Filling in as a freelance desktop engineer the site offers advantages to both the business and the engineer. The organization can focus more on building its techniques by having a freelancer at a site or in the field.

To finish up, desktop engineers guarantee the performance of both internal and external customer networks.


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