Instructions to update from Linux Mint 19.3 to the most recent version Mint 20

Linux Mint is the best current Linux desktop. Its Cinnamon interface is simple to learn and utilize. It runs fast on PCs that would stifle on Windows 10. What's more, it's quick, secure, and functions well. In any case, updating with one significant release then onto the next? That is not all that simple. Be that as it may, you can do it if you follow to this bit-by-bit guide:


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That done. It's the time to get your present Mint 19.3 PC upgrade. You do this with the following steps:

  • ·       Launch the Update Manager with "Menu - > Administration - > Update Manager."
  • ·       Press the "Refresh" button to refresh the cache.
  • ·       Click the "Select All" button to select all updates.
  • ·       Press the "Install Updates" button.
  • ·       Adhere to the directions from the Update Manager and install all updates until the manager lets you know "Your system is up-to-date."
  • ·       Reboot the PC.

Next, how about we make a system snapshot so if something turns out badly, you can reestablish your PC. You should have been doing this from the start. Regardless of whether you have been good about making snapshots, it's a smart thought to make one final snapshot before updating. You do this with the following commands:

  • ·       Launch Timeshift with "Menu - > Administration - > Timeshift."
  • ·       Follow the wizard to choose a goal for your snapshots.
  • ·       In the toolbar, click on the "Create" button to make a manual snapshot of your operating system.
  • ·       Close Timeshift.

Backup your own files and current software selection with the Backup Tool. You follow these steps:

  • ·       Launch Backup Tool with "Menu - > Administration - > Backup Tool."
  • ·       Select and backup your Personal data
  • ·       Select and backup your Software selection.
  • ·       Close Backup Tool.


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