UVU Column: Students in new engineering major fly high

The first students to earn four-year college educations in engineering from Utah Valley University have made amazing steps in their careers and carried acknowledgment to the program, having captured ahead of everyone else in a national competition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

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The major is new at UVU. Previously, students could take pre-engineering classes, then move to a different institution to gain four-year college educations. Two years ago, four new programs started for mechanical, civil, electrical, and computer engineering. There were 15 students in mechanical and civil engineering, and that number has already expanded, with 35 students entering their senior year in the fall.

Four individuals from the current year's graduating class took part in the ASME event, in which they designed and built a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) to fly between obstacles, get a payload, and drop it off accurately were allocated, all while being timed.

That future is already looking splendid. The team began the competition as dark horses, facing engineering powerhouses including The University of Michigan and North Carolina State University.
UVU formally established its section of the engineering society in January and the team got occupied with designing and building the drone as indicated by the challenge determinations. It included lightweight 3D-printed segments, two cameras, and specific handles to empower safe pickup and delivery of things. The students designed a sort of joint to limit damage and repair costs if the drone crashes. The drone can both fly and drive.

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