Apple certified support professional
Prepare to become an Apple Certified Support Professional It’s been about a year since Apple upgraded its operating system from macOS 10 to macOS 11. Yes, it took 19 years, but here, at last, is a version that will keep you at the cutting edge of the advances from Apple and other developers. And if you’re interested more in how that operating system works rather than what it can do, then becoming an Apple Certified Support Professional (ASCP) may be something that’s in your cards. ACSP Certification is designed for help desk professionals, technical coordinators, and power users who support macOS users, manage networks, or provide macOS technical support. ACSP certification verifies that you understand macOS core functions and that you know how to configure key services, perform basic troubleshooting, and support multiple MAC users. As an ACSP, you can earn an average salary of $64K annually, and you can expect to work at any organization that uses MAC computers. Learn to repair